5 Ways To Use EQ Pedals | Too Afraid To Ask


and the (frequency) bands played on…

Since starting the CSGuitars youtube channel thousands of questions have poured in, many of which focus around equalization, or EQ, of guitar tone.
The queries come in many forms; "What are mids?", "How do you dial a good amp tone?", and questions of that ilk are really asking the same thing: "What is EQ and how do I use it effectively?"

While this video focuses mainly on EQ Pedals (Boss EQ-200 being the sponsored product) the rules laid down here can be applied to your onboard amp EQ or when you are tweaking EQ curves in post in your DAW.

The short answer to the multitude inquires is 'Use Your Ears', learning what different frequencies sound like within your tone will provide you an intuitive way of identifying where you need to adjust your EQ settings. By forming an understanding of the science of sound you can dial in exactly what you need by listening alone.

The second half of this video documents 5 Ways To Use EQ. The secret to using EQ correctly is knowing when to do so and identifying what issue you need EQ to solve.
Are you needing a Mid Boost into the front end of an amplifier? Or are you wanting to take out some harsh frequencies post preamp distortion?

Slapping an EQ pedal on top of an amplifier in the hope of making a bad tone good isn't the correct way to approach this problem, so settle in for an education on the most effective ways to use EQ to sculpt your sound.
